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A Message from our CEO

Dear Fellow Adventure Travelers, Greetings from all of us at here at Mountain Lodges of Peru!  Usually, I would be writing to simply welcome you and thank you for choosing to travel with us, but in light of the current global situation, I’d like to take a moment and share some thoughts and information about […]

Dear Fellow Adventure Travelers,

Greetings from all of us at here at Mountain Lodges of Peru!  Usually, I would be writing to simply welcome you and thank you for choosing to travel with us, but in light of the current global situation, I’d like to take a moment and share some thoughts and information about our new post-COVID 19 ‘world’.

First, I sincerely believe that tourism will recover quickly, and we plan to be at the forefront in the effort to design what travel will look like in the near future.  As the pioneers of lodge-to-lodge adventure travel in the Cusco region for the past 15 years, we have witnessed first-hand how fulfilling and enriching travel experiences are for the soul, and we remain passionate about our mission to effect positive change both in people and the amazing world that surrounds us.

We do hope that you’re still dreaming about your MLP adventure to Machu Picchu.  On our end, we’re taking advantage of this ‘down time’ to do what we can to manage the virus’ impact on the well-being and future of our Mountain Lodges of Peru community, with a focus on our office and lodge staff, guides, support personnel, and all of the others who make our programs possible. 

On that note, we hope that you and your families are safe and well as you navigate quarantines, health-protection gear, and a nebulous ‘end date’ for these necessary measures.  Although it goes without saying, it’s most certainly going to take a team effort to pull through our collective ‘trek’ in these puzzling times and make your Machu Picchu dreams come true—but we will.  And take it from me, the view from the summit will be worth it!

Warmest regards,

Enrique Umbert

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